BSPHCL Assistant Operator Result 2016 @ Cut Off Merit List

Information About BSPHCL Result 2016
Bihar State Power Holding Company Limited is popularly known as BSPHCL. It was established in the year 1958 and also known as erstwhile Bihar state electricity board (BSEB) BSPHCL Assistant Operator Result 2016. It also conducts various recruitment examination for recruiting the deserving candidates. Earlier it had released a notification for 1033 vacancies of Junior Electrical Engineer (Electronics/Mechanical/General), IT Manager, Asst. IT Manager and Assistant Operator
Official Website:
Due to the popularity of the exam huge no. of candidates have applied and now all of them are eagerly waiting for the BSPHCL JE Engineer Result 2016 so that they can ensure their selection for the further process The result is not declared yet BSPHCL Assistant Operator Result 2016. The examination authority will take some time to declare the result in their official site, but you don’t worry we will inform the candidates once the result will be declared.
BSPHCL Jr Engineer Rank List 2016
The result is expected to be declare soon. The candidates can use their basics details like application no. and date of birth to check the BSPHCL Assistant Operator Result 2016. BSPHCL Assistant Operator & Junior Engineer Exam Results 2016 has been announced Here there are the results of BSPHCL Assistant Operator & Junior Engineer exam which were held on 23.10.2016 for 1033 Assistant Operator & Junior Engineer posts BSPHCL Assistant Operator Result 2016.
- Name of Authority: Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited
- Name of the Post: Assistant Operator & Junior Engineer Post
- Total No Vacancies: 1033 Posts
- Name of Exam: Assistant Operator & Junior Engineer
- Official Website:
BSPHCL Assistant Operator Score Card 2016
A large numbers of candidates was applied for this Assistant Operator & Junior Engineer vacancy and attend the Written Exam on 23.10.2016 at different examination centers and all of them are eagerly waiting for BSPHCL Assistant Operator & Junior Engineer Results 2016 BSPHCL Assistant Operator Result 2016. Now the results of BSPHCL Assistant Operator & Junior Engineer Post are Announced Soon BSPHCL Assistant Operator Result 2016.
BSPHCL IT Manager expected Cutoff Marks 2016
At the official website of Bihar State Power Transmission Company Limited Due to the popularity of the exam huge no. of candidates have applied and now all of them are eagerly waiting for the BSPHCL JE Engineer Result 2016 so that they can ensure their selection for the further process The result is not declared yet. The examination authority will take some time to declare the result in their official site, but you don’t worry we will inform the candidates once the result will be declared BSPHCL Assistant Operator Result 2016.
Steps To Check BSPHCL Results 2016
- First Of All Visit Official website of BSPHCL
- Now you can access the homepage of official website.
- Navigate to menu and Select Result.
- Now Find & Click On BSPHCL Results 2016.
- A form window will appear on screen.
- Now fill the required fields with your hall ticket no., DOB, Name, Roll No. etc.
- Click On Submit button.
- Your Result will be appear on screen.
- Check Your Result & take printout for further future reference.