SSB Tradesman Result 2017, @ Sahastra Seema BAL Exam Results, Merit List, Cutoff Marks
SSB Tradesman Result 2017 @ Sashastra Seema Bal reported its most recent news in regards to 2068 Constable Vacancies. Competitors who connected for the accompanying post are educated to check the data from our article and Result 2017, SSB Tradesman Results 2017, SSB Result 2017, SSB Tradesman Cut Off marks, SSB Tradesman Merit List, SSB Tradesman Exam Result 2017, Sahastra Seema BAL Exam Result, Sahastra Seema BAL Expected Cut Off, Selected Candidates List, Score Card, Rank List, From Official Website:
Information About SSB Tradesman Result 2017
The selection rounds have clearly enclosed in the official notification as written exam followed by Interview SSB Tradesman Result 2017. Download SSB Constable Tradesman Merit List 2017 and search for your name or roll number has available in it or not. SSB Constable Driver Cutoff is completely varies from category to category Those who have listed above the cutoff will only invite to participate in further selection rounds.
Official Website:
We insist the candidates stay tuned to our page for more details. Sashtra Seema Bal had invited applications to fill up the various posts of Constable (Driver, Cook, Washerman, Barber, Safaiwala and Water Carrier) There were total Posts of 2068 SSB Tradesman Result 2017. As per the method of selection, Physical Test was conducted at first stage for these posts. PET/ PST were also scheduled for Constable (Tradesman) and Constable (Driver).
SSB Tradesman Results 2017
As many Candidates have given the Written Exam of SSB Constable (Driver) at Various Allotted Exam centers. Dear candidates who have shared in SSB Examination conducts for various Constable Posts Driver, Cook and Water Carrier they should be fit the bill to check their Outcome SSB Tradesman Result 2017. Heaps of candidates who will take an interest and after total exam must check Result 2017 utilizing on the web mode through expert website that is
Exam Type | Papers | Name Of Subject | Question Of No. | Marks Of No. | Exam Duration |
Multiple choice question. | Paper 1 | General Knowledge | 100 ques. | 100 marks. | 120 minutes. |
Numerical Ability | |||||
General English & Hindi | |||||
General Reasoning | |||||
Paper 2 | Technical Subject | 100 ques. | 100 marks. | 120 minutes. |
SSB Result 2017
Till now there is no official notice in regards to Result discharging date however in the wake of completing the exam, SSB Tradesman Result 2017 inside maybe a couple months score card will be pronounced on an essential online interface which at In case you know more information about the Exam Results by perusing the total article given underneath Sahastra Seema BAL Expected Cut Off. The Candidates know it will be very crucial to get the maximum marks in the Written Exam.
- Name of the Organization: Sashtra Seema Bal (SSB)
- Name of the posts: Constable driver and other
- Number of posts: 2068
- Date of Exam: 16.04.2017
- Category: Results
- Status: available shortly
- Official Website:
SSB Tradesman Cut Off Marks
The Candidates are waiting for their Exam result to Check their obtained marks in the Written Exam SSB Tradesman Result 2017. So we want to suggest all those students to stay connected with us as well as with official Website to get the latest updates regarding the SSB Constable Exam result The Official Recruitment Department is going to publish the Exam Result of SSB Constable (Driver) at its Official Website very soon.
SSB Tradesman Merit List
Whenever there will be any update regarding the SSB Constable exam Result, we will to get it to you through this page instantly Sahastra Seema BAL Exam Result. SSB 2068 Constable last rundown 2017 SSB Tradesman Result 2017. Huge number of hopefuls assign to the exam then hunting down their result with slice off imprints contenders need to download result for slice off rundown class shrewd through an official website. Result 2017
The Marks is slightest to secure engravings and met all requirements for shortlisted in Result 2017. The SSB Constable Cut off Marks/Merit List plan such a variable as a trouble of the level exam, SSB Tradesman Exam Result 2017 various showed up hopefuls, class shrewd SSB Tradesman Result 2017. Hopefuls who have qualified the rounds should be qualified push ahead for next stage plays out the Physical Test.